News by Tag

Trading with the EU

23rd November 2020
(from January 1 2021) There are a number of changes for a business that wishes to trade with the EU after the 1st of January 2021, and failure to comply with these procedures will result in the disability to import or export goods. These changes will mainly affect 5 areas: trade, goods, services, people and...

BREXIT – How will my business be affected?

1st July 2016
Following the vote by the UK to leave the EU, aside from the political upheavals, what are the practical problems that small business owners and tax payers will be facing as a direct result of the Brexit vote? The factors that may affect businesses, especially smaller businesses in the UK, in the coming months are...

BREXIT – How will my personal finances be affected?

1st July 2016
Aside from the political upheavals, what are the practical problems that individuals and tax payers will be facing as a direct result of the Brexit vote? For the last 40 years, our financial institutions have been built inside an integrated European Union. As a nation, we will need to act quickly to re-establish this framework...